£36,000 for a degree at Edinburgh University... if you're English

The Hero


Jun 29, 2008
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£36,000 for a degree at Edinburgh University... if you're English
£36,000 for a degree at Edinburgh University... if you're English

The bitter row over the tuition fee apartheid which discriminates against English students deepened last night as it was confirmed a degree in Scotland will cost up to £36,000.

Edinburgh University has become the first in Scotland to announce it will increase its fees to £36,000 for a four-year degree from 2012.

But this staggering sum will be charged only to English, Welsh and Northern Irish students.


Price hike: Edinburgh University (pictured) will be more expensive than Cambridge next year

Meanwhile, Scottish students and those from the remaining EU countries will continue to study there for free.

The disclosure comes amid a growing campaign against the Scottish governments decision to discriminate against the English.

Human rights lawyers are preparing a legal case against Scottish universities and the Scottish education minister, Michael Russell.

A lobby group, Make Uni Fees Fair, has been set up by student Jessica Watts, from Kent, who is recruiting students to take part in the high-profile test case.

Edinburgh University is the third Scottish university to announce its proposed fees.

Aberdeen and Heriot Watt are to charge £9,000 for three years, with the fourth year free.

This is a cap of £27,000, level with British universities.

But Edinburgh - named as the 20th best in the world in a survey earlier this week - has decided not to impose such a cap because it believes the traditional Scottish four-year degree is worth the extra cost.
At present the 22,500 English students currently studying in Scotland pay between £1,820 and £2,895, while Scottish students go for free.

They make up one-tenth of all students at Scottish universities.


Expensive decision: Graduates from Edinburgh University celebrate after a graduation ceremony in the city

The fees, to be imposed from next year, will make the university more expensive than Cambridge, ranked the worlds best-performing institution, and Oxford.

Graeme Kirkpatrick, deputy president of the National Union of Students in Scotland, said: A £36,000 degree is both staggering and ridiculous.

The average cost to study at Oxford and Cambridge is around £25,000 in fees, which while still eye-wateringly large, pales in comparison with this.

And thats before you add additional debt for the extra year of living costs for the four-year degree in Scotland.

Under European law, the Scottish Government cannot offer EU students a worse deal than it gives its own undergraduates.

Therefore students from France, Poland and Portugal can study for free.

But Holyrood has denied this applies to students from the UK.

The administration is relying on extra funds from fee hikes for English students to curb a looming funding gap.

Lawyer Phil Shiner, of Public Interest Lawyers is bringing the case against Scotland on behalf of a yet unknown claimant or claimants.

He believes the anti-English discrimination breaches equality laws and claims Scottish ministers have misinterpreted the law.

And he said the European Convention on Human Rights prohibits such discrimination as does the Britains Equality Act, which was implemented last year.

Lord Morris, a former Attorney General, has challenged Mr Willetts to resolve the situation.

The Chancellor of Glamorgan University, said: Mr Willetts must take steps to ensure students in England are not financially disadvantaged compared to students in the rest of the EU.

There is a danger of a two tier system whereby the rest of the EU gets free education but the English, Welsh and Northern Irish must pay.

There is considerable doubt about the legality about their actions.

Students at Scottish universities typically study for four years, compared to three in England.

There are 15 universities in Scotland with a total of 240,000 students.
